Four Simple Use Cases of Fambam

2 min readJul 29, 2024


In my previous blog written in Filipino, I talked about why you should not sleep on Fambam and why you should try the platform. I will be creating an English translation soon here. For now, let me share with you five simple and practical use cases of Fambam to help you further understand the features of Fambam.

  1. Boosting your credibility and reputation through your Fambam profile. With Fambam, you can easily create an on-chain and permanent profile on Fambam where through the power of blockchain and Fambam’s DePIN infrastructure, your Web3 experiences are validated and turned into verifiable credentials. These credentials are then embedded in your Fambam profile and protocols or actions can trustlessly verify and validate them when there’s a need to.
  2. Growing your professional network with Fambam’s powerful and trustless user filtering and segmentation. Fambam’s platform provides a uniquely designed structure that makes filtering and profiling of users more convenient and more effective. Because of this, you can easily connect with people who share the same interests and experiences as you, participate in the same DeFi protocols as you do, run a node on an ecosystem as you do, and more others. Talk about customization and tailor-fit career growth.
  3. Make your marketing campaigns more targeted, more cost-efficient, and less hassle-free with Fambam. Fambam’s innovative segregation and analysis of users based on their background, behaviors, and activities allows your marketing initiatives or other outreach campaigns to reach the right people, in a seamlessly marketer-friendly way. Moreover, you’re not just saving your time and resources but you are also ensuring your campaigns will be fruitful and have great and beyond satisfactory performance and results.
  4. Talk with Fambam’s AI about your activities and history onchain. The experiences validated and credentials on your Fambam profile will be communicated and can readily be interacted with AI. That means, if you want to understand how your Web3 and blockchain journey went, specifically for a particular time, you can just chat with Fambam’s AI about it instead of manually looking for it or using separate tools online which sometimes does not provide accurate or in-depth data.

Those are just some practical uses you can do with Fambam, and there’s a lot more. Do you feel interested yet? Sign up for Fambam’s early access through:

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